Content Marketing Services
“How Content Marketing Attracts and Retains Your Audience While At The Same Time Boosting Your Rankings on Google.”
Content Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are a tightly interwoven piece of fabric:
Whilst SEO depends to a great extent on relevant content to achieve top rankings, Content Marketing also fulfills an important additional Internet Marketing function: attracting and retaining an audience. As a market leader, your website must not only show up in search engine results pages (SERP) for those searches, but it must also offer a clear solution to the problems your visitors are facing. Content Marketing helps achieve both these objectives.

What is the purpose of Content Marketing?
The business case for content marketing is clear: A company that wants to dominate a niche must prove itself to be the thought-leader in that niche. In other words, it must OWN that niche.
Internet market niches are defined by keywords that people use while searching online for a solution to their problem. In order to command authority in a niche, your website must not only show up in search engine results pages (SERP) for those keywords, but your landing page (the page a user ‘lands’ on your website after clicking a link) must also provide a clear answer and a solution to the problem your product or service claims to solve.
We achieve this goal by using keyword research and performing SEO analysis to tap into the holy grail of search behavior – a user’s needs, questions and intent.
From current and historical search data, we find out what individuals…
- are concerned about (fears)
- are curious to know (interests)
- are seeking solutions for (problems)
- are dreaming about having (desires)

What makes Content Marketing work?
The implementation of a Content Marketing strategy requires a close collaboration between client and agency. Businesses know their products and services better than anyone else – and are therefore best positioned for providing the agency with the information that the content specialist requires to write exceptional and highly relevant content.

The Major Difference Between Content Marketing and SEO:
There’s a thin line between content marketing and SEO, but there are some major differences between the two that you should know:
- SEO involves technical aspects, such as the use of keywords, optimized title tags, link building etc. These elements make your website appear higher and better during organic searches so that more and more prospects may discover your business and visit your website.
- The goal of Content marketing is a wider concept that extends beyond your SEO goals. Besides helping SEO through keyword optimization, Content Marketing also entices your website visitors and potential customers to engage with your content and take a desired action, such as filling in an order form, calling your business or make an online purchase. Quality content also generates a large number of natural backlinks, improving your Domain Authority.
- Therefore, the goal of content marketing is to complement your SEO efforts by publishing targeted, compelling content, content that attracts and retains visitors – and transforms visits into sales.

How Content Marketing and SEO work together:
Step 1: Create Relevant, Original, Quality Content
Until a few years ago, before Google’s crawlers had grown as smart as they are today, you could lure them even with thin or low quality content, but not anymore. Weak content is bad for your SEO ranking as well as user experience, because it will drive people away instead of retaining them on your web pages.
To the contrary, rich and engaging content makes you stand out among competitors and gives the search spiders something unique to index. Quality content supports your marketing efforts and takes you closer to your goals by attracting more customers and making more of them buy from you more often.
Ask yourself: “Does the content on my site capture people’s attention and urge them to spend anything longer than a minute?” It will only be possible if your content provides value to your visitors, by answering their questions and offering actionable guidance to help them solve their problems.

Step 2: Produce Evergreen Content
Creating content that lives forever (practically, anything from 2–3 years or longer) will keep getting ranked higher during searches and keep driving traffic and sales forever. The groundbreaking Content Frameworks that we use have been designed to produce evergreen, highly relevant quality content that will withstand the test of time.
For example, content based on latest news can rank well with Google and drive traffic for a few days or weeks, after which it will be dead content. On the other end, a more useful article that contains valuable advice and insight such as our Skyscraper, How-To Frameworks or Infographics will generate back-links and engagement, just the right signals for Google’s search bots to assign you a higher Domain Authority, and ranking. The gains will be lasting much longer!
When you can create this kind of content, you trigger a chain reaction that gets you better and better results with each passing day. Because, when your content ranks high, you get more traffic to your article, which leads to more back-links, which, coming full circle, leads to higher rankings, and the cycle repeats.

Step 3. Identify the Best Keywords
Keyword research forms the foundation of both content marketing and SEO. Quality is paramount, but you also need to make sure that the content you’re painstakingly creating reaches the people whom you are creating it for. For this, your content needs to include the keywords that people are using as search terms. At the same time, it must be relevant to those search terms and effectively answer you visitors’ questions.
For example, content that includes too many technical terms may never get discovered if nobody is searching with those technical keywords. Hence, it would be a good idea to spend a couple of hours with the Keyword Planner and find out the relevant search terms that people are using. You should match the language of your article with the way people look for solutions and products offered by businesses like yours.
But what are the best keywords for your business? Easy: GMI will research keywords with the highest Keyword Efficiency Index (KEI).
KEI is based on 3 essential metrics: Relevancy, Search Volume and Competition. Keywords that are highly relevant to your business, have a good search volume, but feature low competition, will have the highest Keyword Efficiency Index. Those are the keywords that will drive the highest ROI for your company.

Step 4: Monitor Keyword Performance
After we have identified the key phrases and search terms and built your content around them, we take monitoring and measurement very seriously. Is the content achieving its goals for SEO and engagement? The results may take time to materialize, and the going may get tough in highly competitive keywords. Slowly, but surely, your efforts will pay off.
Don’t ever let anyone guarantee you 100-percent success with content. Despite all the sweat and blood that you put into it, a piece of content may simple fall flat and not stir the kind of excitement you were hoping for. But staying on the course that you defined in your content strategy and applying adjustments whenever you find yourself drifting is the only sure-fire formula for success.
Lastly, it’s important to emphasize that the primary goal of content is not SEO. The keywords you use should not leave a steely taste in your reader’s mind. You should blend them into the content in a way that the reader won’t even notice they were keywords. GMI’s team of content specialists is there to help.

Step 5: Content Promotion and Link Building (SEO)
Now that you have your Power Pages up and running, you just need to light the SEO link-building fuse. A Power Page has the necessary share-triggers built into it by our content marketing specialists. These emotional triggers compel link creators to link to your article. The only thing you need is simple but effective outreach tactics.
GMI adopts modern content promotion and link building techniques that we invite you to discover in the SEO Content promotion and Link Building section.

Step 6: Internal Linking (SEO)
Now, you probably already know internal linking is good for SEO as well as for user experience. A thoughtful internal link structure allows search bots to crawl your most important pages and rank them higher for certain key terms. Internal links can also increase the time people spend on your website by keeping them engaged with content relevant to the article they are reading.
Internal linking is simple when you know which pages you need to interlink to provide a rich and relevant user experience. GMI content specialists will be reviewing and editing your web content with the objective to achieve good internal linking ratios.
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